I'm very excited to announce the up coming  collaboration show "Emerging Artists" with artist T Brantley Burns an Landry Tyler. Hope some of you can come and  join in our celebration. 
The show opens August 4 to Aughts 26th at the Middle Street Gallery in Sperrryville, VA . Artist's reception will be held on August 4th 3-5pm. 


Hey there everyone! 

Here is a little clip the school put together that sums up my show and my experience in the MFA program. Hope you enjoy it. 

In completing my MFA I had the privileged of being the first to showcase my Thesis work in a wonderful new gallery space provided at Hood College. Unfortunately, many good friends were unable to attend the opening reception or the show in general due to distance or prior engagements. 

Bellow are links to little videos of the show... Please remember... I'm a potter and definitely not great at taking video...  so.... I'm sorry if the quality of the videos is not great! 

Part 1: http://youtu.be/kmbRlagAhj8

Part 2:  http://youtu.be/SSqbnMlKEJs

Part 3: http://youtu.be/KPkCQq6eTd8